sweets4u Range Certified by SANHA

Published: 2008-07-22
Views: 3,639,515
Updated: 2015-03-05
In the Name of Allah, the Inspirer of Truth.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Please note, that Foodguide have not approved the sweets directly. We are aware that SANHA (An Ulamaa co-ordinated organisation) have approved the sweets. SANHA are a very respected and well-known Ulamaa co-ordinated organisation and so we trust their judgement.   That said, SANHA are an independent organisation, and you should contact them directly in case anything changes or if you desire further clarification. They are not obliged to inform us of any changes nor are we privy to any operational information.

SANHA. has confirmed that they are certifying www.sweets4u.info.   

"We hereby confirm that Winstar Foods UK is associated with SANHA and he imports sweets & confectionery products (...) which we have evaluated & certified as Halaal compliant."

SANHA - Theological Director <sanha@iafrica.com>


Product List

1.      Sweets4
2.      Chill Pill
3.      Twisters Marshmallows
4.      Big Twist Marshmallows

And Allah knows Best
Wa Alaykumussalaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
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