Foodguide Disclaimer

The Foodguide Service is a non-profit web-site run solely by volunteers ("we") who are devoted to helping Muslims eatconsume according to Islamic dietary laws. We operate this web site in our spare time solely for the pleasure of Allah (God).  All information is given in good faith and we will not be responsible for any mistakes that are inadvertently made.  We rely very heavily upon the accurate information provided to us by the suppliers.  Please also be advised that ingredients are changed regularly by companies and we have no control over this nor are they under any obligation to inform us.  This information and research is provided 'as is' and is purely informational. 

Sometimes, we have to clarify some matters relating to Islamic Jurisprudence.  For this purpose, we contact authentic religious scholars.  Foodguide directs particular thanks to the various references : Muslim Food guide, Darul Iftaa Leics, eat-halal, AskImam, Sunnipath. Some of our answers are compiled using these sites. Please note that we answer all questions concerning Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) according to the Hanafi school of Fiqh. Similarly, to investigate technical matters, we consult appropriate resources.  Presently, we can only accept queries for products and services based in the UK.

This site was prepared solely for the purpose of providing information and may not be used in any manner deemed detrimental to that provision.  The individual(s) providing authorship to this page and other pages on this site makes no warranty either express or implied, and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for usefulness of any information.  The author(s) acknowledge(s) to various sources with thanks.  The author(s) assume(s) no legal and/or financial liability whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by the use of any information available on this site.  Use any information provided on this site is "at your own risk".  By entering this site, you agree to the above mentioned terms.  If you can not agree to these conditions, then please consult your local Ulama and follow their directives.

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Al-Ashraf Secondary School for Girls Ramadhan 2024 appeal - See Ramadhan 2024 Appeal link in the menu